।। प्रेम से बोलो राधे राधे।।
Our shastras conclude that the life of a human being is the best form among all the living beings. Shri Tulsidaji says in Shri Ramchartimanas:
"kab hu na kari karuna nar dehi, det ishu binu hetu sanehi"
Our Sanatan Paddhati describes that we get the physical body of a human being only when the Parmatma showers his mercy on us.
Sanatan Dharma has been considered the oldest and the greatest dharma of the world. Scriptures of the Sanatan Dharma teaches us how to live a good life, and how can we live happily in grahastha-ashram and it will also teach us how to use own money in good works. World's oldest scripture is 'Rigveda'. Sages and highly intellectual people of our faith have written books on each richa and mantra of Rigveda and other vedas.Our shastras says that the Donation can make our money clean.
Shri Vipin Bapuji is a well known authority in Hindu scriptures such as Shrimad Bhagwat, Shri Ramcharit Manas (Ramayan), Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta and other Hindu scriptures. He undoubtedly believes that total faith in The Lord is a must to attend bliss and peace in life. Shri Vipin Bapuji is the founder of SHRI RADHAKRISHNA PREM SANSTHAN in Vrindavan, India. The principal goal of SHRI RADHAKRISHNA PREM SANSTHAN is to spread the teachings of Hindu Philosophy throughout the world and serve the poor peoples and orgainiged religious programe in vrindavan like holy festival, yagy , bhagwat katha etc.
श्री राणीसती दासी के जन्मभूमि में लाडोबाई नारायणी मंदिर प्राणप्रतिष्ठा के उपलक्ष्य में पूज्य श्री विपिन बापू जी के द्वारा श्रीमद भागवत कथा का रसपान कराया जायेगा
दिनांक - २३ अप्रैल से २९ अप्रैल 2012 तक
समय - दोपहर २ बजे से सांय ७ बजे तक
स्थान - श्री लडोबाई नारायणी चेरीटेबल ट्रस्ट
ग्राम मुकाम ,पोस्ट डोहका हरिया ,तहसील चरकी दादरी
जिला भिवाणी (हरियाणा)